Hope Fund Report - Your donations at work: as of August 9, 2022
- In July, we sent 100 bottles of water purification pills to Ukraine. This week, we ordered 100 more bottles.
- This week, we ordered 100 chest seals, 50 CAT tourniquets, and 75 more Stop the Bleed kits. Once received, they will be shipped to Ukraine.
- We sent a donation of another $1000 to a program in Poltava that feeds the children and the elderly.
- Our Philadelphia Ukrainian Orthodox League chapter has purchased school supplies for 25 refugee children in the Philadelphia area
- Multiple refugee families have been visiting the parish hall to pick up items that have been donated.
- We were asked to provide a stroller for an expectant mother from Ukraine and were able to acquire TWO strollers; one for this mother and another for a future donation. Additional clothing and diapers were donated to the expectant mother.
- We are officially naming our church hall donation area "St. Martin's Closet", as at least one other UOC parish has. St. Martin the Merciful was known to give the clothes off his back to the needy. Organization efforts continue to keep the area in good order.
- We are organizing an effort to provide translation service, particularly for refugee parents sending their children to school. Help will be provided to translate documents that come home from school for the parents. Contact Karen Ferraro on any Sunday, if you are interested in helping, or send email to StVladPhila@gmail.com
- The next meeting of our Hope Fund is September 8th at 7PM. All parishioners are welcome to attend. See Karen Ferraro for the link to the online meeting (ZOOM).